Liability Clause: AUVIA NEVU OPERADORA HELICONIA, registered with the National Tourism Registrar (of Colombia) Nb. 12814, accepts in its entirety the liability clause established in the Article 3 of the decree 053 of the eighteenth of January, 2002, and its latter reforms: “Answers for the complete offering and quality of the services described in the program, excepting responsibility for cases of greater powers which may occur during the trip, reserves the right to make changes in the itinerary, travel dates and service providers for others of equal or greater category; shall assess the documents needed for the trip but shall not be responsible for the denial of entry by authorities of other countries. The traveler shall have the right to reimbursement of services unused due to cases of greater powers, in accordance with the regulations established by the service providers. The traveler must comply with the legal, moral, disciplinary, baggage and payment norms and shall be responsible for the objects he or she carries.”
**In fulfillment of that which is provided in the Article 17 Law 679 of 2014, the travel agency rejects the exploitation, pornography, sexual tourism and all other forms of abuse of minors, and warns the tourist that sexual abuse is punished penally and administratively according to the applicable legal dispositions.